
Sustaining: How to be a Responsible Traveller

25th March, 2013
Cheapside Market Barbados

We came across this article from STA Travel on how to become a more responsible traveler and feeling so inspired we decided to put together one of our own. Remember when you visit destinations you must think about how you are affecting that place and the basis of responsible tourism is minimizing your impact on that destination in which you are traveling to. 

  • Buy from the locals: In Barbados there are many different farmers markets that you can choose from to purchase local, fresh produce. One of the best markets on the island is Cheapside Market in Bridgetown- take a look here. There is also Holders Farmers Market (Sundays) and Redland Market for other options to buy locally. Outside of farmers markets you can purchase 100% Bajan products in the supermarket. Just look at the package to confirm "Made in Barbados".  
  • Bring a refillable and reusable water bottle: This tip can be used nearly all around the world. Barbadian water is known to be acceptable to drink so you can fill up from the tap or even if you are not comfortable doing that you can buy a large bottle of water from the supermarkets and fill up your reusable bottle as you go. Much better than purchasing the small plastic bottled water every time you are thirsty.
  • Do NOT Litter: This is a universal tip for being a responsible traveler when visiting different destinations around the world. It is unacceptable to litter, wherever you are. You must see the importance of assisting in the cleanliness of a country and making sure you left the area you visit as you saw it when you came. 
  • Research local customs: Dig into the local customs of Barbados and do at least a little research before you come to the island. Here's a small tip for you- If you enter a institution you usually greet the person you meet by saying "Good Morning", "Good Evening" or "Hello". This is a custom and mannerism which is expected in Barbados.
  • Respect Wildlife: There are so many interesting and unique creatures to admire on the island, from sea turtles to the famous green monkey to local coral reef fish. You must respect the wildlife and not overstep your presence in their environment.
  • Get involved in the local community- There are many community and volunteer events on the island from beach clean ups to charity events. You can get involved and assist in these communities activities. Here are a few organizations to give you some more information- Charity Chicks, Variety Club Barbados, Be the Change Barbados and Future Centre Trust.
  • Energy Conservation- This is becoming increasingly important all around the world and you can help by doing the small, little things such as turning off your Air Conditioning and lights in the hotel room when you are not utilizing it. 
  • Use a reusable bag when shopping - This is becoming more and more popular on the island, where locals and travelers are taking their own reusable bags to the supermarket instead of using the plastic one provided there. Just a small way to help! 

Do you have any other suggestions? we would love to hear!

Melanie & Kimberly*

We would love to hear what you think.


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