
Eat, Drink & Indulge

17th November, 2012
Scallops with Israeli Couscous by Cin Cin

After much anticipation, the weekend we have all been waiting for here in Barbados has finally finally arrived, you know the one which is solely dedicated to food, wine and rum. Melanie and myself will be attending a handful of the events so stay tuned and follow us on twitter and instagram for instant updates! If you can't be here in person (which we really hope you can) at least you will get to visually experience know what they say "you eat with your eyes first and foremost"! Here is a link to their website where the schedule along with many other delicious things can be discovered. 

Have a great one guys and maybe see you around at The Barbados Food & Wine and Rum Festival

Melanie & Kimberly*

We would love to hear what you think.


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